lunes, 19 de octubre de 2015

Blog 5

This chapters are about Two Ships that take the Carfax with them. The bounty hunters must have been waiting for the Carfax to leave the harbor. After a while, the schooners also also gave up firing at the Carfax, trying merely to cut her off and not to sink her. The schooners is the Navidad under Captain McBain. To end the Carfax slowed, the ghosts reefed the sails, then finally the anchor dropped.

My quote is '' Do you know these ships"(pg 266). This quote means that The ghost traider was asking Walter if he knows the two ships that are there. Also that the they didn''t know if they were bad or good persons. Also they notice that there was boat that the schooners. To end this was a good quote and very interesting.

My conclusion is that you have to be very respectful with everyone. Although you don't have to hurt people that you don't know because that person can hit you. Also the person that you don' know, you could be friend there or in the future. To en this were good chapters.

jueves, 15 de octubre de 2015

Blog 4

These chapters are about a group of bad people that are named Kobalins. This group were in a boat that arrive to the island. The other group was the Carfax that they reach the other side of the island. Jolly said that she and Munk were on the group of the Carfax. In the island there was a lady named Soledad that was a friend of all the kids. To end this were good chapters because I like the groups of pirates that are bad.

My quote is "This is a good chance to disappear without attracting attention''(248). This quote is important for me because the Ghost Trader said that the ship of Bannon was in the island. Also that the group of kids wanted to go because this captain was the leader of the ship. As well they were scared about the mermaid that was on fire. They wanted to leave the island, but the ship can not see them when they are going go.

My conclusion is that you don't have to destroy the places that are not yours. Also that you have to respect the people that you meet to. As well as you don't need to attack places that are not yours because you don't need it. To end I like how the pirates are so bad attacking the places that are not theirs.