sábado, 30 de abril de 2016

Blog 3 The Birthday of Greg

This chapters were about a kid that his name was Fregley that one day he was on the door of the house of Greg when Greg was watching TV. When Greg wen to the kitchen he saw a kid in the door and when he open it was Fregley, so Greg ask Fregley what he was doing hear and he didn't respond, but few minutes later Fregley was on the door. The next day was Greg's birthday and he said to his mom to invide many people. One gift that mom and dad gave to Greg was a ladybug cellphone that you can also call to your house and emergency. To end this birthday of Greg was the most horrible day of his life.

My firts quote is "Wow, Aunt Brenda, this is a really neat!''(pg 88). My second quote is ''When I saw it in the store I knew it was just perfect!''(pg 88). The first quote said that Aunt brebda gave a awesome present to Greg and he was very happy. The second quote said that Greg saw a present in the store that he liked a lot and his Aunt bought him. This two quote are very important for the birthday of Greg

In conclusion I think that your birthday is the most important day in your life and you have toi enjoy it. Also if a friend come to visit you have to let him enter to you house. In your birthday your family always will give you a good present. This chapters were awesome.

Blog 2 The Reading Club

This chapters were about Greg going to a Fun Club in the schoo that he had to do an assignment of a book. One day when Greg wasen't reading the book his mom catch him playing around, hearing music and for that reason when mom saw Greg doing that thing, mom banned Greg of watching TV until he read his book. Greg needed to finish the book by the next day and momo said that he have to finish the first three chapters. So then they suspend the Fun Club bec ause they needed to pay what we owned and then Greg and Rowley went to the club to enjoy.

My first quote is "The V.I.P Lawn Service does exceptional work and catered to my every lawn need"(pg 56). My second quote is ''Mind if I change the radio station?''(pg 58). The firts quote is saying that Greg and Rowley are going to the V.I.P Lawn Service to work. The second quote is saying that if they can get down the volume to the radio. This quotes does not have difference. 

In conclusion I think that is very important to read instead of playing whatever you want. Also you have to read in your live so you can like reading. This chapters show me that in the life you also have to do other thing that play in the electronics and going to a park or a club. To end this chapter were very good.

lunes, 4 de abril de 2016

Blog 1 The vacations of Greg

This chapter was about a kid named Greg that was in vacation because the  school was done and he  went to rest in his house. In the vacation he was always playing video games and his mom was saying that he have to go out side to play something else. One day he met a  friend that his names was Rowley and his dad was a resident of the club. When Rowley asked his dad if he can go to the club with his friend Greg he said that yes. They went to the club and Greg would never stay in his house playing video games.

My first quote is "You should really let some sunlight in here'' (pg. 2). ''Hello ladies'' (pg. 4). The first is saying that the mom of Greg is saying to him that he have to open the curtains becasue the bedroom was to dark and he was playing video games. The second quote is saying that when Greg and Rowley were in the club they saw a group of ladies in the pool. This quotes have difference because the first is happening in the bedroom of Greg and the second is happening in the club with that ladies.

In conclusion I think that this chapters show me that you don't have to play all the day in video games so you have to also play outside. Also I think that you need to respect the place in were you are like they are in the club both have to respect all the space in the club. I think that  I think that when you are in vacations you have to enjoy the time you have free from the school. To end I like so much this chapters.