miércoles, 31 de agosto de 2016

Blog 4 Cave in the kobalin hill

This chapters were about a cave in the Kobalin hillthat was very tall. Inside the cavethere was the rest of a giant Kobalin. When Jolly entered to the cave he get trapped inside the cave, and he saw a monster that was also trapped, and the monster name was Kangusta. After they were in the cave, one person that his name is the Ghost Trader went to a library so he can find a silver ring. Outside the library, all that street was burning and in some passages it was impossible to breath. Jolly and the girl weren't there so they think that they were in Crustal Beach. So they find Jolly and the girl.

My first quote is ''Whattttt are you here?'' (pg 218). My second quote is ''Pull down the accursed mountain. The whole accurssed mountain''(pg 220). The first quote the monster said to Jolly because both were trapped in the cave. The second quote that they have to pull down the mountain. This two quotes are very important because this parts are important for me.

In conclusion I think that the cave of the Kobalin hill was very nice because it was very big. The thing that I don't like about the cave is the monster that was inside. Also I like the library were the silver ring was because there were many books. The street out of the library was and that wasen't pretty. To end tjhis was a very exited and attractive chapter.


martes, 30 de agosto de 2016

Blog 3 Kobalin's new leader

This chapters were about thta the kids were in Aelenium and the sky was on fire. When they went out of Aelenium, they started walking and the Kobalin's were in their way, so they jumped to the sea. The Kobalin's didn't saw them and they went to a big rock so they can hide from this bad group. The Kobalin's decided to change the leader and it was two giants. The whale that was before the two giants leader this bad group To end this chapters were very interestings.

My first quote is ''I really don't know if this was such a good idea'' (pg 179). My second quote ''We've heard that the ancestors of the Kobalin's came out from the Mare Tenebrosum'' (pg 166). The first quote said the Kobalin's don't want the two giants as leader. The second quote said that the ancestors of the Kobalin's create the Mare Tenebrosum that was an attack. This two quotes are important because the author talks about the Kobalin's.

In conclusion I think that this chapters were very interesting because when the kids saw the Kobalin's attack they went to the sea. Also the kids are very brave by having this Maelstrom from the Kobalin's and surviving. I think that the Kobalin's killed the whale because they hate him and the leader were two giants. To end it was an interesting chapter and very attarctive.

lunes, 29 de agosto de 2016

Blog 2 Kobalin's first attack

This chapters were about that in the waters of Aelenium the Kobalin's would arrive soon. This bad group was going to attack first to a whale that has never been attacked. When the Kobalin's were attacking the group of child so they would go see the whale after the attack. When the attack was over they find a girl named Aina and this chid group thinked that she was an islander. The girl was part of that group.

My first quote is ''Be careful out there in the water'' (pg 63). My second quote is ''Which direction did she dissapear in?'' (pg 99). The first quote said that the ocen is very dangerous because there are many creatures that can kill you. The second quote said that a girl that they meet in the island scaped and they didn't know were she went. This two quotes are very imporatant because the author is describing the ocean and what is happening with the girl.

To end I think that is ba that the Kobalin's attack soemthing that is not from them. Also the kids were very scared. You have to know that attacking a place that is not yours is very bad. To end this was a very good and interesting chapter that show me many things.

Blog 1 The Maelstrom

This chapters were about a place that is called Aelenium that was in a high mountain were the kids saw a lot of waterfalls. One group called the Kobalin's were going to make and evil Maelstrom, so Jolly and Griffin were going to save the other pirate friends. The Kobalin's were going to make the Maelstrom in a beach called Crustal Beach. A big whale is from the Kobalin's and the group of kids want to destroy the whale.

My first quote is "The whale is being attacked" (pg 7). My second quote is "Don't forget that you mustn't get too far from the ocean bottom"(pg 37). The first quote said that the Kobalin's were attacking the whale with arpoon and other weapons. The second quote said that you can not go so far in the ocean because is very dangerous. This two quotes are very important because they describe important parts in the story.

In conclusion I think that killing an animal is very bad  because you have to respect animals, plants, humans etc. Also that if you kill an animal you can go to jail. I think that this attack of the Kobalin's did was very bad. They wanted to destroy Aelenium, and the beach. To end I think that this chapter show me many things that you need to respect.