I survived Japanese Tsunami 2011 Blog 1
This chapters is about a kid named Ben that he and his family are in a terrible tsunami in Japan at the city of Shogahama. Ben saw in the Pacific Ocean that the wave was tiny, but when the tsunami get closer to Japan's coasts it got bigger. Ben went to the city because he was very desperate of the big wave that was going to hit the Japanese coasts. When the wave was in Japan the family of Ben thought that they were going to escape from the tsunami in a car. The wave took Ben alone far from his family that was in other part suffering of the wave. To end this was a terrible and big tsunami that hit on Japan.
The quote is ''Scary dream?'' Harry asked (pg5). This quote represent that Ben dreamed that he was on the wave, and he was very desperate. He never wanted Harry know that he felt sad or scary when the dream happen to him. Also that Ben never wanted to see the Tsunami again. To end this was a interesting and good quote to support my summary.
In conclusion is that I think that is I would be in that wave I would be very desperate because I will think that I will die. Also that all the people that survive from the big wave they were very brave getting into that big wave. Although Ben was a kid that survive alone the tsunami and that was awesome how he survived.
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